Attracting skilled and talented professionals from all over the world
to work in Moscow
We will advise you on the hiring procedures and provide instructions for onboarding in compliance with the immigration laws.
Intercultural Communication Pakistan
Operations Manager
Software Engineer
Abram Tadess Kebede
Ronald Reagan Mukiibi
Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication
UX/UI designer
Already looking for a job with us
Connecting employers from fast-growing companies with skilled professionals from different countries
Our database includes high-tech and fast-growing companies based in Moscow that are constantly looking for talented specialists. There are limitless career opportunities.
Employers receive hand-selected CVs for open positions, while applicants obtain direct contacts and access to job interviews.
Searching for experienced and beginner specialists
Companies are seeking experienced specialists and offering internships to students with further employment opportunities, regardless of their Russian citizenship status.
Industries where specialists are most in demand
If you haven't found your area of expertise, don’t worry. Send us your CV or give us a call, and we'll help you find a job that's perfect for you.
Assisting professionals with a university degree to relocate to Moscow and adjust to life in the city
Our team not only helps professionals from all over the world find jobs but also provides comfortable living conditions in Moscow.
We provide guidance on the application process for a work visa and permit.
We assist with accommodation, rental arrangements, and language courses.
We organize various events such as networking events with industry experts and expats, cultural and gastronomic tours, and sports events to showcase the beauty of Moscow.
Arranging internships for foreign students and providing employment opportunities for recent graduates.
To ensure that you don't experience a gap between your university education and employment, we will arrange a suitable internship related to your field of study. Once you graduate, we will assist you in signing an employment contract with a company, obtaining the necessary documents for employment, and finding suitable accommodation instead of a dormitory.
Typical scenario
Start in Moscow
A foreign student graduates from a university without any relevant work experience in their field of study

Due to citizenship, language barriers, or lack of experience, they are unable to find
a relevant job

A graduate leaves Moscow because they couldn’t find a job
A foreign student gets an internship related to their field of study

Upon graduation, they already gain practical experience and receive recommendations from a high-tech company

After completing the internship, a graduate officially secures a job either at the same place or in a different company.
Success stories
Assisting an employer in making arrangements in compliance with the law to avoid fines and troubles
Hiring a foreigner is more difficult than hiring a Russian citizen. Companies often avoid employing foreigners due to two primary reasons. Firstly, the extensive amount of paperwork involved in the process. Secondly, the lack of knowledge about registering a skilled foreign employee in Russia without incurring a fine.
Here are the steps to independently hire non-resident professionals in Russia
Issue a registration card
And accredit the organization as an employer for migrants
Sign a job contract
With a delayed start date
Notify the Main Directorate for migration
About hiring a highly-skilled professional (HSP) after signing a job contract with them
Submit a request for employment
And wait for the consideration of this request
Apply for voluntary health insurance
Valid from the moment a foreign HSP enters the territory of the Russian Federation
Issue an employment order
T-1 (for one employee), T-1a (for several employees)
Make a EFS-1 report
And add it to the information system of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation
Submit a report every quarter to the Ministry of Internal Affairs regarding foreign employees
The total time required for processing documents is 18 working days, not including the time required for preparation.
Here are the steps to register a non-resident specialist in the Russian Federation with our assistance
Fill out the form and select a professional from our database. We’ll handle all the paperwork for you.

We will support you after hiring a non-resident — if needed, we can notify the Ministry of Internal Affairs about any non-resident specialists hired in your company.
Come to our welcome office
A cozy office is located in the Valley of the Innovative Scientific and Technological Center of Moscow State University "Sparrow Hills" ("Vorobyovy Gory").
This is a meeting place for foreign professionals
and Moscow-based employers to have face-to-face consultations and receive support!
Opening hours:
Mon-Fri: 10:00 – 18:00
Lomonosov Cluster
Moscow, Ramenskiy Boulevard, 1
Excursion: Red Square in detail. Little-known facts about the main square of the country
The architectural appearance of the Russian main beauty was formed over 5 centuries: from the 16th to the 20th century, and each century left its mark. Some of it has remained until today, and some of we can see only in old paintings, lithographs or photographs.
Meeting point: Manezhnaya Square, near the monument to Marshal Zhukov.
English speaking club Friday Point
One of the most popular English-speaking clubs in Moscow! At the meetings, participants watch interesting videos posted on educational platforms like TED Talks, Philosophy Tube and others, and then discuss it in English. Due to the large number of participants , the organizers ask to register in advance via the club's Telegram channel.
Public Speaking Club in English
We would like to invite you to participate in our regular meeting in order to develop public speaking skills. At our club we develop fearless professional public speakers. We welcome people from any level of experience and background. You will also get access to comprehensive educational program developed by Toastmasters International — a worldwide recognized leader in providing communication, public speaking and leadership education since 1924.
September 29 at 18:30
Every Friday and Saturday
Every two weeks at 19:30
Why Moscow is a great place to live and work comfortably
Moscow is a city with thousands of different cultures, advanced technologies, and high-quality services, where everyone can find what they are looking for.
For people who enjoy nature, walking, and clean air
From historical to innovative and avant-garde
As delicious as at home
Feel yourself in the center of the action: neon skyscrapers, nightclubs, restaurants and karaoke bars – everything for those who love nightlife
Find the best places to take a piece of Moscow to beloved ones, choose from a wide range of collections from top Russian and global brands, authentic souvenirs and merchandise from world-famous sports clubs
Legendary masterpieces of architecture will amaze you with their beauty, and famous museums will tell you about what Moscow looked like and how it lived in the past
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